The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. I like this quote from Eminem,cause it fits perfectly to all the issues and things combined with my Orange Piano Tour. One day you perform on the closed down airfield of the Munich Airport,then you wake up on the backseat of a motorbike in Vietnam couple of weeks later. I think a method to check whether you`re still alive is trying to do stuff different than before. Skip your daily routines,try something braking new for breakfast like a fish soup (what I did). Call up an old friend that you didn`t talk to for 20 years —throw a surprise cheesecake party or go to the airport and watch people returning to their loved ones:
Get ready for non-fake,true emotions…..
And this is part of the true spirit of my tour : meeting,collaborating with passionate people from all over the world with totally different backgrounds and trying something ,nobody tried before—I just love it.I would be curious to hear about your crazy ideas and approaches,too —if you like to share them in the comment section.
ドイツ出身のシンガーソングライター・ステ ファンアーロンは6歳でピアノを弾き始めま した。放課後にミュンヘンのプライベート ジャズスクールに2年間通い、旋律と作曲の 基礎を学びました。その後、ジャズの枠を超 えて、トト、ビリー ジョエル、スーパートラ ンプ、ビートルズといったアーティストの影 響を受けながら、ポップミュージックを作曲 することに彼は自身の情熱を見出していきま す。ロサンゼルスでピアノ奏者として活動し た後、アーロンはミュンヘンに戻り、自分の レコーディングスタジオで作曲活動に専念し ます。そして、ついに彼自身のスタイルであ るメロディックポップ ピアノ スタイルを確立。 世界中をツアーして彼の夢の「オレンジ ピア
ノ ツアー」を開始したのです。
His first official release as a singer was 2009 “I Never Find My Soulmate” under the pseudonym S.Aaron Project ,which got 200 000 clicks on Youtube. Diven by the Dominic Brunner case he
produced 2010 the ballad “Never Look Away” and “Too Late” as a wake-up-call for a Nigerian massacre in Dogo Nahawa. 2011 he started his international Orange Piano Tour with the theme-song “Doing The Undoable”
on a glacier of the Alphubel mountain in Switzerland .This piano ballad gets performed at every station and describes Aaron`s thoughts on approaching new challenges best.
Playing on the Great Wall of China as 2.station was such a thing .After conquering hudge hurdles he could produce The Great Wall Song video which got klicked on Chinese Youtube Youku 80 000 times and reviewed by BBC.
One highlight of his tour was the 3.Station at the Preikestolen in Norway 2013,where he released the Stavanger Song in cooperation with the local children`s quire “Forsand Strand Power Voices” .