Hey there,
whoa, what an impact! Let’s take this moment to share the excitement about the 4th stop on Stefan Aaron’s Orange Piano Tourand video shoot at Munich Airport, which is making news worldwide!
Initially, we were scheduled to perform on Monday, July the 21st, but the weather didn’t play along at all and we got rained out. It was pouring down and it never let up! The airport gave us a deadline until 6.30 p.m. and since weather conditions didn’t change, we had to cancel. However, since Munich airport’s CEO Dr. Kerkloh was a strong supporter of this project from the get-go, he personally made sure, we would be given a second chance later this week, which turned out to be Wednesday the 23rd, when weather conditions were said to be much better. And gosh, they couldn’t have been any better than they turned out to be! It was high temperatures with a bit of a summer breeze, some pufffy white clouds hanging over the airfield and the sun shining on the scene at “her” best all day!
And what a joyful energy there was among all the performers, crew members and all staff that helped to pull this once-in-a-lifetime “gig” off! And what a sight, what a show! The pictures abounding everywhere are breathtaking, aren’t they? Major kudos and thanks to Lukas Barth for taking this awesome picture .
If you feel like catching a glimpse of all that went down on Wednesday, see above video or follow this Google link documenting the news that literally went around the globe! NBC USA, the BBC, San Francisco Gate, major TV stations in Germany and abroad, even Qatar, India, China, Vietnam, Thailand – they all have the picture of the airbound pianist in prominent places on their sites and news outlets!
Happy weekend out there!